As we prepare for another hot, humid Wisconsin summer (you know it’s coming), do you know if your air conditioned air is going to be seeping through your windows? Are your bills going to sky-rocket because of poor home energy efficiency? Don’t just sit back and take those high bills. Fight back with projects that improve your home’s energy efficiency, and lower those out-of-control energy bills:
Add insulation to your attic.
Do you have enough insulation in your attic? If not, climb into your attic yourself, or hire a contractor to add insulation where your home needs it most. With an estimated 35 percent of energy loss occurring through your home’s roof, an extra layer of insulation in your attic is the key to keeping the summer heat out and cool air in.
Seal the cracks.
Inspect around your windows and doors for noticeable cracks. Fill in the cracks with caulk. Make sure that the wood around your windows is not rotting, and that your windows are not showing signs of replacement.
Replace old, drafty windows.
Drafty windows are inefficient and expensive, costing you additional money for heating and cooling your home. Sometimes, old, drafty windows are obvious, such as when the seal breaks and the inside of the windows are covered in mold, but often the signs are not quite as noticeable. A simple way to test for draftiness is to hold a flame in front of the window. If the flame flickers, it’s time to replace that window. Contact a contractor for a free quote.
Get rid of an inefficient exterior door.
If you can see light around your exterior door, or can see cracks around the frame, it’s time to replace that old door. Be selective about your new door. Ask a contractor what door they would recommend for energy efficiency, and for a quote for installation.
Don’t forget to test your patio door.
An inefficient patio door can be drafty or allow water to seep through. How can you tell if your patio door is inefficient? Try the flame test that you used to test your windows. If your patio door fails or shows any other signs of inefficiency, such as a mold in between the panes, cracks around the frame or water damage, contact a contractor to find out how soon they can replace your leaky patio door.
Don’t settle for high bills and an inefficient home. Your money is literally flying right out the window. Contact a contractor to start doing the math with a free quote for one of these projects that can increase the energy efficiency of your home. You may also be eligible for tax breaks for some of these projects, so check with your tax preparer and save your receipts. It’s time to take back your air conditioned air so you can cool your home, and not the outdoors.